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Institute of Education

PhD and Academic Career Development

A PhD in educational science or specific subject teaching enables an in-depth and independent examination of an educational science topic. A PhD qualifies for demanding scientific activities and is an important basis for an academic career.


The University of Zurich offers the following PhD programms in Educational Science:

  • PhD in Educational Science (12 ECTS)
  • PhD in Subject-Specific Teaching (with a focus on subjects, such as history, mathematics, biology, language, etc.) (12 ECTS)

The programs confer successful doctoral candidates the degree Doctor of Philosophy.

Please note that most courses are offered in German only. Additional Information is available on our website in German.

If you have any questions, please contact the PhD guidance service.


All PhD programs in Educational Science offer coursework on theory, research methods, and skills in teaching and making presentations. The PhD programs aim to qualify doctoral candidates to work on challenging research questions in the fields of Educational Science and Subject-Specific Teaching, to present and communicate research results, and to teach professionally.

Weiterführende Informationen

Contact Institute

Institute of Education
University of Zurich
Freiestrasse 36
CH-8032 Zurich


Contact BA/MA/PhD

Institute of Education
University of Zurich
Freiestrasse 36
CH-8032 Zurich


Contact Teaching Diploma for Upper Secondary Education

Institute of Education
University of Zurich
Kantonsschulstrasse 3
CH-8001 Zurich