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Institute of Education

Sustainability 2050

Joint project with the Leuphana University of Lüneburg

As young people, students will be most affected by the consequences of today's economy. Either they will face the consequences in the form of climate change and a resource crisis or they will have to shoulder the turnaround to a sustainable society.

We can now describe very precisely what has to happen in order to make Germany and Europe sustainable: CO2 emissions must be reduced by 90%, the economy has to become green and efficient - and perhaps even renounce growth. What is currently missing are successful blue prints for a sustainable year 2050.

The research project starts here. A team of 29 students, together with experts, explore the boundaries of our economic activity and actions and develop concrete future projects. Scientific and lay perspectives are used together to develop scientifically sound, and at the same time socially acceptable, future perspectives that describe a sustainable life in 2050.