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Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft

Qualität des Unterrichts und Unterrichtsmodelle, Expertenbericht, Mandat der Bildungsdirektion Zürich / Quality of Teaching and Teaching Models, Expert’s report Head of Education

In March, 2005, the Advisory Council for Education (Bildungsrat) commissioned the department for educational planning and for secondary school II and vocational education of the Head Office of Education (Mittelschul- und Berufsbildungsamt der Bildungsdirektion) to submit a basic report on the actual state and development at the Zurich secondary schools II (Mittelschulen) until 2006. During the procedures, the Advisory Council commissioned Prof. Dr. R. Kyburz-Graber to carry out an additional expert’s report, with the title: “Quality of Teaching and Teaching Concepts – the actual State and Development of the Zurich Secondary Schools II”. On the basis of a situation analysis, this expert’s report points out the various development directions of future secondary schools II. It includes an analysis of structural conditions and goals at these schools as well as a nominal/actual value comparison from the perspective of learning theories and new teaching concepts. First of all, the analysis’ result was brought together in six distinguished theses. One thesis to each of the three fields which are “school concepts”, “teaching” and “secondary school II as an institution” was formulated for the actual state as well as for a vision. Secondly, these theses served as the basis and guidelines for the group discussions with the students, teachers, and heads of schools. Individual interviews were realised with some heads of schools. The statements resulting from the interviews and discussions are the core of this expert’s report and point out possible development directions in the tense atmosphere of traditional teaching and visions for teaching and learning concepts, which aim for future designs in life, for studies and professions.


Kyburz-Graber, R.; Hofer, K.; Pangrazzi, R. & Gerloff-Gasser, Ch. (2006). Qualität des Unterrichts und Unterrichtsmodelle: Stand und Entwicklung der Zürcher Mittelschulen. Expertise zuhanden der Bildungsdirektion. Universität Zürich. Höheres Lehramt Mittelschulen. Zürich.