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Institute of Education


Neural Correlates of Growth-Oriented Mindsets of Elementary School Children (A Lot Going on at the Zoo)

Mindsets influence how we deal with challenges and activate self-regulation processes. The role of neurocognitive processes in this context has yet to be explored. The study  A Lot Going on at the Zoo  is one of the first investigations on the connection between mindsets, neurocognitive processes, and self-regulation at primary school age. It particularly focuses on the allocation of attention after errors. In addition to questionnaires and standardised self-regulation tasks, neurophysiological methods (EEG) are used.

Project homepage (only in German)

Project Leadership
Prof. Dr. Silke Hertel, Heidelberg University
Prof. Dr. Yves Karlen, University of Zurich

Project Team
Dr. Maren Stern, Heidelberg University
Leonie Köllbichler (M.Sc.Psych.), Heidelberg University
Dr. Torsten Wüstenberg, Heidelberg University

Project Duration

Departmental resources of Prof. Hertel, Heidelberg University