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Institute of Education

Johanna Egli

Johanna Egli , MA

  • Assistentin / Teaching and Research Assistant
+41 44 634 27 55
Freiestrasse 36, 8032 Zürich
Room number

Research Focus and Interests

  • Forms and Processes of Religious Communitization in the Migration Society
  • Constructivist youth and migration research
  • Racism and inequality research with a focus on anti-Muslim racism and sexism
  • Methodologies and methods of qualitative-reconstructive social research (ethnography, grounded theory, documentary method)
  • Practice and subjectification theory(s)

Academic Biography and Scientific Activities

2012–2016 Bachelor’s degree program in educational science and ethnology and general and comparative literature as minor subjects at the University of Zurich (Bachelor of Arts)
2017–2020 Master’s degree program in educational science with a focus on social pedagogy and gender studies as a minor subject (Master of Arts)
2014–2018 Various student assistant positions at the University of Zurich’s Institute of Education at the chairs Extracurricular Education, Social Pedagogy, and Vocational Education and Training
2015–2019 Literature tutorials in the module “Introduction to Educational Science” at the chairs Extracurricular Education as well as Educational Science with Focus on Foundations of Education
2017–2018 Participation in Prof. Dr. Michael Geiss’ research project “Weiterbildungsangebote für frühpädagogische Fachkräfte” (i.e. “Further Education Offerings for Early Childhood Education Professionals”) at the research center “Bildung im Arbeitsleben” (i.e. “Work Life Education”) at the University of Zurich’s Institute of Education
2018–2019 Participation in Dr. Anna Schnitzer’s research project “Erinnerung als soziale Praxis – Familien in der Migration zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwärtigem” (i.e. “Recollection as Social Practice – Families during Migration between the Past and the Present”) at the chair of Extracurricular Education the University of Zurich’s Institute of Education
2019–2021 Teaching and research assistant/member of the academic staff at the Centre for School Improvement at the Zurich University of Teacher Education: Participation in the research projects “Schule im Lockdown – woran orientieren sich Schulteams in der Krise?” (i.e. “Schools in Lockdown – Where Do School Teams Find Orientation during the Crisis?”) and “Partizipative Schulentwicklung – Unterricht mit Schülerinnen und Schülern gestalten” (i.e. “Participative School Development – Designing Lessons with Students”)
Since 2022 Teaching and research assistant at the chair of Extracurricular Education at the University of Zurich’s Institute for Education

