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We are excited to welcome Melike Ömerogullari as a Senior Teaching and Research Assistant to our team. We wish her a good start!
Good teaching has many faces and is no coincidence. Together with the Menon Group AG, we are currently developing a scientifically sound, modern, and user-friendly tool for determining and developing the quality of teaching with the help of INSULA. We are delighted that the Mercator Foundation Switzerland is supporting us in this endeavor. With our new tool, teachers can obtain the opinions of students, peers, and school administrators and they can reflect on and further develop the quality of their teaching in a targeted manner – free of charge and user-friendly. Are you interested? Get in touch with us and be among the first to test the tool from November 2024. You can reach us at the following e-mail addresses:
Our team wishes you a successful start of the semester and many insightful, exciting and enriching moments for the coming time.
We are delighted that Patricia Naber, Natalie Palffy and Birgit Amrein have joined our team as student assistants and project assistants. Welcome aboard!
Congratulations on your dissertation, dear Ayşenur Alp Christ!
We are delighted to welcome Céline Souchon as a student assistant to our team. Welcome aboard!
Happy new year!
Our team wishes everyone all the best in the year 2024.
Have a good start into the new semester!
Our team wishes you a successful start of the semester and many insightful, exciting and enriching moments for the coming time.
Congratulations on your dissertation, dear Désirée Thommen!
©Jeroen Zandbergen
We would like to thank the second and third examiners, Prof. Dr. Fani Lauermann and Prof. Dr. Dominik Petko, for the good cooperation.
©Jeroen Zandbergen
We wish everyone a very happy New Year!
We are happy to welcom Nadine Leuzinger to our team. She will support the team as a student assistant.
Hurray, another milestone has been reached! The FormATool project team has developed the first prototype for implementation of formative assessments for cognitive activation in teaching-learning processes. Interested teachers and lecturers who can imagine using the tool on a trial basis in teaching-learning contexts are welcome to contact Wida Wemmer-Rogh at the following e-mail address:
Our team wishes you a good start into the new semester. We look forward to many interesting and educational hours together.
After four years of great collaboration, Désirée Thommen is leaving our team seeking fo new challenges. We wish her all the best for her professional and private future!
We are happy to welcome Valerie Gitzi as a doctoral student in our team.
In addition, we delightedly welcome Denise Küttel in our team. She will support the team as a student assistant.
We wish both a good start!
After her one-year absence, we welcome Roya Hüppi back to the team as a student assistant.
Our teaching and research assistant Désirée Thommen has published her first dissertation article:
Thommen, D., Sieber, V., Grob, U. & Praetorius, A.-K. (2021). Teachers’ motivational profiles and their longitudinal associations with teaching quality. Learning and Instruction, 101514, doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2021.101514 |
From top left to bottom right: Regula Wysling, Cornelia Bänziger, Fabienne Wehrli, Wida Wemmer-Rogh, Leonie Gossner, Anna-Katharina Praetorius, Ayşenur Alp-Christ, Ayse Yenal Vance, Rita Stebler-Hafner, Désirée Thommen, Vanda Sieber
Vanda Sieber has been on maternity leave since June 2021. We congratulate her warmly on the birth of her second child and look forward to her return to the chair!
Our team wishes you a good start to the new semester and many fascinating and educational hours. Stay healthy.
We hope you started happy and healthy into the new year and wish you the best for 2021.
Our team is delighted to welcome back Wida Wemmer-Rogh from maternity leave.
As part of the eponymous master seminar, Dr. phil. Vanda Sieber and her students created the informative and inspiring blog "Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Autonomie und Instruktion im Unterricht", which discusses in weekly posts critical aspects revolving around the topic of autonomy and instruction in school.
Follow the interesting discussions, get involved and contribute to the professional exchange!
Free Access to special issues related to COVID-19
Due to the significant disruption associated with the COVID-19 pandemic many researchers have difficulty in accessing academic journals, which is usually tied to institutional availability and not easily accessible from home offices. Springer is therefore providing one month open access (3rd to 31st October 2020) to specific special issues of ZDM Mathematics Education.
Editors Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Praetorius and Charalambos Y. Charalambous have published a special issue on instructional quality. Researchers from different fields have developed different frameworks and associated observational instruments to capture instructional quality. As this work is fast accumulating, the need to explore synergies and complementarities among existing work on instruction and its quality becomes imperative. Thus, this special issue presents the work of 11 groups using 12 different frameworks. In their papers, overviews of the conceptualizations and reliability and validity issues of the frameworks are given and results of the analysis are presented. The final paper synthesizes this work and suggests future steps in continuing working more synergistically.
Wida Wemmer-Rogh is on maternity leave. We wish her all the best and are looking forward to welcoming her back into the team.
In April of this year, our senior assistant Vanda Sieber conducted an interesting study on the COVID-19 related transition to online teaching. The study deals with different questions concerning the motivation and well-being of students and lecturers. A report gives information about first results. The report was recently mentioned in an article of the NZZ am Sonntag on the unusual start of the semester at the University of Zurich. Within the project, various master theses will be realized and several publications are planned.
A collaborative journal article by Anna-Katharina Praetorius and Wida Rogh has been published:
Praetorius, A.-K., Rogh, W., & Kleickmann, T. (2020). Blinde Flecken des Modells der drei Basisdimensionen von Unterrichtsqualität? Das Modell im Spiegel einer internationalen Synthese von Merkmalen der Unterrichtsqualität. Unterrichtswissenschaft. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s42010-020-00072-w |
In addition, Wida Rogh's interesting chapter of an edited book was published:
Barbot, B.*, & Rogh, W. (2020). Developmental Trends in Creative Abilities and Potentials. In M. Runco & S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of creativity (3rd ed., pp. 323–326). Amsterdam: Academic Press/Elsevier. |
Seven exciting articles by Anna-Katharina Praetorius have been published in the 66th supplement of the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik:
Decristan, J., Hess, M., Holzberger, D. & Praetorius, A.-K. (2020). Oberflächen- und Tiefenmerkmale. Eine Reflexion zweier prominenter Begriffe der Unterrichtsforschung. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 102–116. |
Fauth, B., Göllner, R., Lenske, G., Praetorius, A.-K. & Wagner, W. (2020). Who sees what? Conceptual considerations on the measurement of teaching quality from different perspectives. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 138–155. |
Göllner, R., Fauth, B., Lenske, G., Praetorius, A.-K. & Wagner, W. (2020). Do student ratings of classroom management really tell us most about teachers or also about classroom composition? Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 156–172. |
Kleickmann, T., Steffensky, M. & Praetorius, A.-K. (2020). Quality of Teaching in Science Education. More Than Three Basic Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 37–53. |
Praetorius, A.-K., Grünkorn, J. & Klieme, E. (2020). Empirische Forschung zu Unterrichtsqualität. Theoretische Grundfragen und quantitative Modellierungen. Einleitung in das Beiheft. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 9–14. |
Praetorius, A.-K., Klieme, E., Kleickmann, T., Brunner, E., Lindmeier, A., Taut, S. & Charalambous, C. (2020). Towards Developing a Theory of Generic Teaching Quality. Origin, Current Status, and Necessary Next Steps Regarding the Three Basic Dimensions Model. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 15–36. |
Vieluf, S., Praetorius, A.-K., Rakoczy, K., Kleinknecht, M. & Pietsch, M. (2020). Angebots-Nutzungs-Modelle der Wirkweise des Unterrichts: Ein kritischer Vergleich verschiedener Modellvarianten. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 66, Beiheft 1/20, 63–80. |
Our team is happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Praetorius back to the chair after her maternity leave.
Our team wishes you a good start into the new semester and many interesting and informative hours.
We are happy to welcome Michelle Huber to our team. She will support the whole team as well as accompany the seminar "Lernen" in FS2020 as a semester assistant.
Besides her job as a student assistant, Roya Hüppi will accompany the module "Quantitative Methoden: Schwerpunkt Sekundäranalysen" in FS2020 as a semester assistant.
An exciting chapter of an edited book by Vanda Sieber has been published:
Elbe, A.-M. & Sieber, V. (2020). Motivation und Volition. In J. Munzert, M. Raab, & B. Strauß (Eds.), Standards Psychologie. Sportpsychologie: Ein Lehrbuch (1st ed., S. 222–245). Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag. |
Our team hopes you had a good start into the new year and wishes you all the best in 2020.
Ayşenur Alp Christ is looking for an intern who would like to support her project "The relations between instructional quality and student learning: The mediating role of students' use of learning opportunities". Further information can be found on the Institute's website under Internal Internships.
Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Praetorius is expected to be on maternity leave until the middle of March 2020. Please contact Dr. Rita Stebler ( for matters concerning teaching and exams. For administrative matters, please contact Christina Hartmann (
On Wednesday, 30th of October 2019, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Veronika Job from the TU Dresden. At 4:15 pm she will give an exciting guest lecture on Subjektive Theorien über Willenskraft: Effekte, Mechanismen und Antezedenzien. More detailed information can be found under Guest lectures.
We hope that you had a good start into the Fall Semester 2019 and are already looking forward to many exciting seminars and courses, just like we are.
Vanda Sieber's new exciting journal article has been published:
Francis, Z., Sieber, V. & Job, V. (2019). You seem tired, but so am I: Willpower theories and intention to provide support in romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 1–20. doi:10.1177/0265407519877238 |
Rita Stebler's interesting journal article has been published as well:
Vasarik Staub, K., Galle, M., Stebler, R. & Reusser, K. (2019). Qualitätssicherung bei qualitativ inhaltsanalytischen Verfahren in großen Forschungsgruppen: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten in der Forschungspraxis am Beispiel der perLen-Studie. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 20(3), Art. 33. doi:10.17169/fqs-20.3.3391 |
In the second week of July, the chair spent four days at Lake Lucerne in the Bildungshaus Stella Matutina Hertenstein, which is part of the Baldegg Monastery. The aim of the stay there was the undisturbed writing of papers or dissertations. The noise-free, rural atmosphere was used productively and in a team-friendly way.
Another interesting publication of Vanda Sieber has been published online:
Wolff, W., Sieber, V., Bieleke, M. & Englert, C. (2019). Task Duration and Task Order do not Matter: No Effect on Self-Control Performance. Psychological Research. doi: 10.1007/s00426-019-01230-1 |
On the 14th of June, the workshop "Triangulation Unterricht" based on the research project with the same name took place at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin. The workshop was organized by the two participating research teams from Berlin (consisting of Malte Brinkmann and Martin Weber-Spanknebel) and Zurich (consisting of Anna-Katharina Praetorius and Wida Rogh). The other invited representatives were Nicole Balzer (Münster), Jörg Dinkelaker (Halle/Saale), Thilo Kleickmann (Kiel), Eckhard Klieme (Frankfurt), Robert Kreitz (Chemnitz), Christine Pauli (Fribourg) and Kurt Reusser (Zurich).
The project "Triangulation Unterricht (Tri-U)" deals with the topic "Teaching Processes in German Mathematics Teaching" with different methodological approaches. These methodological questions are focused with a special emphasis on the topic of "cognitive activation".
The workshop was very productive, much discussion took place and new methodological approaches could be developed on the basis of the video material.
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Fauth of the University of Tübingen gave an interesting presentation on the 15th of May with the title Zum Verhältnis von Unterrichtsqualität und professioneller Kompetenz: Gute Lehrkraft = guter Unterricht?. More information can be found under Guest Lectures.
We are happy that our Senior Research Assistant Vanda Sieber is back after five months of maternity leave. During her absence a congress contribution (see GEBF conference in February 2019) as well as an exciting paper of her were published:
Sieber, V., Flückiger, L., Mata, J., Bernecker, K., & Job, V. (2019). Autonomous Goal Striving Promotes a Nonlimited Theory About Willpower. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1–13. doi:10.1177/0146167218820921 |
Rita Stebler's interesting chapter of an edited book has been published:
Galle, M., Stebler, R. & Reusser, K. (2019). Vom Einzelkämpfer zum Teamplayer: Ko-konstruktive Kooperation in Grundschulen mit personalisierten Lernkonzepten. In C. Donie, F. Foerster, M. Obermayr, A. Deckwerth, G. Kammermeyer, G. Lenske, M. Leuchter & A. Wildemann (Hrsg.), Grundschulpädagogik zwischen Wissenschaft und Transfer (S. 194–199). Wiesbaden: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-26231-0_24 |
On Monday, 29th of April 2019, Anna-Katharina Praetorius gave her inaugural lecture on "Es wäre ja so einfach, wenn es einfach wäre" – Herausforderungen bei der Erforschung von Unterricht. During 45 minutes she presented her research interests to the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Klaus Jonas, the Prorector, Prof. Dr. Gabriele Siegert, and numerous colleagues and guests. The subsequent aperitif in the Lichthof was a great opportunity for further discussion.
The Chair for Research on Learning, Instruction and Didactics became a member of the Center for Reproducible Science (CRS) at the University of Zurich. The goal of the CRS is the improvement of the reproducibility of empirical research at the University of Zurich and the promotion of research in replication studies and methodology related to reproducibility.
The joint project COLD under the leadership of the DIE officially started on the 1st of April. Anna-Katharina Praetorius participates as a responsible cooperation partner.
Further information about the project can be found under Research.
We are pleased that our doctoral student, Ayşenur Alp Christ, has received the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for her dissertation. We therefore cordially welcome her as a new member of our team.
Another exciting publication by Anna-Katharina Praetorius has been published online:
Fischer, J., Praetorius, A.-K. & Klieme, E. (2019). The impact of linguistic similarity on cross-cultural comparabilityof students’ perceptions of teaching quality. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability. Published online: 15. April 2019. doi:10.1007/s1092-019-09295-7 |
Dr. Katriina Vasarik Staub gave a thrilling lecture on the 20th of March about Die unterschätzte Bedeutung der Beziehung zwischen Schule und Eltern. Further information can be found under Guest lectures.
A new book chapter by Anna-Katharina Praetorius has been published:
Praetorius, A.-K. & Südkamp, A. (2019). Diagnostische Kompetenz von Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich motivationaler Merkmale von Schülerinnen und Schülern. In H. Gaspard, U. Trautwein & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Diagnostik und Förderung von Motivation und Volition (= Tests und Trends in der pädagogisch-psychologischen Diagnostik, Bd. 17) (S. 35–49). Göttingen: Hogrefe. |
We hope, you had a good start of the new semester. We are looking forward to many exciting courses.
We are delighted to announce, that Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Praetorius is going to hold her inaugural lecture with the title "Es wäre ja so einfach, wenn es einfach wäre" – Herausforderungen bei der Erforschung von Unterricht on Monday, 29th April 2019, at 5:00 pm. The presentation is going to take place in the assembly hall of the University of Zurich at the Rämistrasse 71. Afterwards there will be an aperitif in the Lichthof.
If you are interested, you are very welcome to contact Christina Hartmann ( until 31th March 2019 to enrol yourself for the lecture.
At this year's GEBF conference in Cologne our student assistant Leonie Gossner presented her poster Merkmale von Unterrichtsqualität: Reden wir alle vom Gleichen?. Anna-Katharina Praetorius made multiple contributions to the conference, among other things about teaching quality in subject lessons and teaching ability. Our Senior Research Assistant Vanda Sieber, who is currently absent due to maternity leave, was represented by Anna-Katharina Praetorius at her presentation Eine Untersuchung zum Verlauf von Aufmerksamkeit im Unterricht. Further information can be found in the conference programme.
Our team wishes you a wonderful and successful year 2019!
An interesting article of Anna-Katharina Praetorius was published:
Holzberger, D., Praetorius, A.-K., Seidel, T., & Kunter, M. (2019). Identifying effective teachers: The relation between teaching profiles and students’ development in achievement and enjoyment. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1–23. doi:10.1007/s10212-018-00410-8 |
We are excited to welcome Désirée Thommen as a Research Associate in our team. Désirée is going to be part of our research and teaching. Furthermore, she is going to attain a doctorate at our chair.
In addition, we delightedly welcome Ann-Catherine Amiet and Cynthia Schaeffer as semester assistants at our chair. Both of them will assist us in the courses „Entwicklung und Lernen“ (BKM7) as well as „Standardisierte Verfahren der Datenerhebung“ (BKM2B) in the upcoming semester.